The Arizer Air II dry herb vaporizer is an outstanding cannabis vape that offers the user an elevated, refined experience. Not only does this vape feature improved battery life compared to its popular predecessor the Air, but it also has a higher maximum temperature, a digital display and precise temperature control – allowing for greater personalization over how exactly your dry herbs are vaped!
Truly, the Arizer Air II is a revolutionary dry herb vaporizer that succeeds in giving you unmatched quality and control.
Arizer Air II Features:
- Ultra portable, discreet and easy to use
- Digital Temperature Control
- Adjustable Brightness and Sound
- Adjustable Auto Shut Off Timer
- Ceramic Heating Element (1-2 minute warm up)
- Can be used while charging
Arizer is among the most popular brands for dry herb vapes. Be sure to read our Arizer Air 2 Review before heading to checkout!
The Arizer Air II is one of many great Dry Herb Cannabis Vapes. Don’t forget to add a grinder or a rolling tray to make your experience that much better!
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